Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I am coming home...

As I see the darkening sky
And birds flying to their nest
I can feel a tug in my heart
To go home and rest.

I long for my mother's lap
And the hearty laugh of my dad
As the sun falls below the skyline
This yearning makes me grow sad.

I long for the sweet quarrels with my sis
And the wise advices of my bro
As I see people happily going home
For home, my longing grows.

I long to walk through my garden
And play with my dear dog and doves
I long to sit near the kitchen fire
And bathe in the warmth of family love.

But as I step out into the crowded street
And look at the faces unfamiliar and my heart forlorn
I can feel tears welling my eyes
And O' I miss home.

I have stayed away this far
But now I want to be with people my own
I now am alone and I want to be home
Mom, Dad I am coming home.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Under Your Wings

Hold me in your arms...
Hide me under your wings...
I'll go with you...
Wherever you want...
I'll soar with you...
'Coz you'll carry me...
... under your wings.

I am not afraid...
To do your will...
I am not scared...
To be who I am...
'Coz you'll carry me...
... under your wings.

Take me to your throne...
Take me to your cross...
I'll go with you...
Wherever you want...
I'll soar with you...
'Coz you'll carry me...
... under your wings.

I am not afraid...
To do your will...
I am not scared...
To be who I am...
'Coz you'll carry me...
... under your wings.

Take me to the wedding at Cana...
Take me to Gethsemane...
I'll go with you...
Wherever you want...
I'll soar with you...
'Coz you'll carry me...
... under your wings.

I am not afraid...
To do your will...
I am not scared...
To be who I am...
'Coz you'll carry me...
... under your wings.


I remember the day I took my first step
You looked at me with teary eyes
You covered your mouth with your hand
And rushed to me, to hug me tight.

I remember the day I mouthed my first word
And how overjoyed you were to hear it
You kept looking at me expectantly
To hear it again and again.

I remember the day I opened a book
And held it upside down sitting beside my brother
You sat beside me and looked as I babbled
My own imaginary words.

And now, when years have gone by, I realize
You knew I would make pathways
And speak words that would flow
I would go that extra-mile that would again bring tears
And you would be proud of your daughter.

But still, I know it’s not about me
It’s all about you, mother
I am what you have made me
Your blessings are all I have
And all I can do is to make you proud
Of  your daughter.