Friday, November 20, 2009


My mirror shows who am I
And the reflections of the day...
The smiles that are flashed on me reflect
The I that I market everyday...

It's what people see u as,
I is what everyone wants you to be...
Just be what you are to yourself
And to others that's what you'll be...

Friday, November 13, 2009


When you open your dark fringes and see that the night is long;
When you try to cling and find, your lonely twig is gone;
When you are alone in the cold cold day and the day doesn’t end;
When on a rainy day you sit alone without a friend;
When your smile is painful, forced and sad;
When you want earnestly but cannot become glad;
When you want a friend and can’t find one;
Remember you always have someone;
Because Jesus loves you.

He will let you see in the dark and carry you in His palm;
And in the cold cold day He’ll enfold you and keep you warm;
On a rainy day He’ll turn the raindrops into angels heavenly;
And you’ll no longer smile painfully but sweetly and mirthfully;
He’ll make your joy complete and be your true friend;
And unlike those who desert you and go He’ll be with you till the end.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A Dream

Every night as I close my eyes
You just seem to travel miles
And we talk of all the things under the sun
Look into each other’s eyes and know
You are there for me forever.

You make me feel so special
You make me make sense
You make me feel as if each day is meant
For me and me alone.
And everything that I can see, is a gift
That I should cherish and make use of.

You make me feel that I am the best person
And I can do everything if I just tried
You make the world appear so beautiful
You make all the dreams appear real
And you make me feel
I should never open my eyes.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I am sorry, I ran away that day
When you went off to buy vegetables after school
I was so sulky.
I thought I did not matter to you
And I wanted to get lost somewhere;
So that I would matter.

For the first time I realised,
How big a small town could be!
And how scared I can be,
When you are not around.

I did not want to get lost;
I wanted to exist to matter.
And when I found it later
That you kept searching for me,
Leaving aside all your works;
I realized, I matter.

Since then, I have tried to follow you,
As my world has turned bigger and I feel smaller.
And though at times you do not show
I know that I matter to you.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Anecdotes #1

True to my word, this is the first ANECDOTE.

I started writing poems when I was in my 2nd grade. I used to show my poems to my English teachers so that they can give their comments and help me improve.
When I was in my 12th grade, I wrote a poem ‘The Peepal’ that is one of my favourite poems. This poem is also the longest poems that I have ever written (190 lines). My English teacher, Mrs. Mousumi Das, was very impressed by my work and while teaching ‘Tithonus’, a poem by, she mentioned my poem in class and asked the class to go through the poem to see how it is to feels the nature.
During that time, some of my friends started teasing me and making fun of me. It was then that our teacher told a boy “Mark my words, a day will come when you’ll also write poems because there is a poet in everyone, it’s just that it has never found a reason to express itself”.
Guess what, I met that boy after two years and he showed me one of his poems. Apparently, he had written the poem when the girl he loved ditched him. After all, he did become a poet!!!